Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Then There Was Jayna

Here is something from about 4 or 5 years ago. I hope it is enjoyable.

Jayna Grace is our blue-eyed beauty with the platinum blond hair of an angel. That is where the angel comparison stops. She is full of passion and very emotional. There is no slightly upset or somewhat happy with Jayna. We have come to realize that with her drive she will be faithfully serving Christ with everything she has, or a serial killer. She is all about daddy, but tries to deny that when she is alone with mommy. She is the first kid awake in the morning and generally the last to fall asleep. Ms. Gracie has little fear of discipline and periodically test her parents to see what she can get away with. She is also not afraid to love. She loves her family, friends, and Sunday school teachers and will let it be known.

Jayna has done some strange things in the past. There has been times we did not know whether to yell or laugh. I can recall multiple times when one of us would scold her and the other would have to leave the room to avoid cracking up in front of her. One Saturday afternoon I was watching the kids while Amanda was working. Jayna was about 18 months old and was taking her midday nap. I decided to go on the porch and visit with a neighbor. When I returned inside I was greeted by Jayna who was now awake. She had brought one dozen eggs from the refrigerator to the couch and was in the process of cracking the eggs and smearing them into the couch. This also happened to be a relatively new couch. She went through a toilet fascination phase. For a period of time the bathroom door had to be locked from the outside. Jayna has attempted to drink the toilet water with a straw and when a straw was unavailable she would soak a sock in the potty and then straight to her mouth. It is very important that the commode in our house is flushed after every use. It was common to find the plunger stuck to bathroom walls and cabinets.

Our little angel is also famous for stock piling house hold items in her bedroom. It is not unusual to find vacuum cleaner parts under her pillow. Some items found under her bed include toothpaste, deodorant, money, jewelry, fly swatter, bottled water, and many more.

We realize that her potential is unlimited. When describing one of his children, Dave Ramsey said he knew his daughter was going to go off, they just needed to aim her in the right direction. That is definitely the case with Jayna. We understand the importance of good parenting and the actions we take today will affect our kids decision making when they’re away from home. I don’t just want to “hope” my kids turn out right. I want to scratch and claw working hard to give them the spiritual, physical, and emotional guidance they need. I know God honors faithfulness and commitment.

Jayna is now seven and thriving as a home school student. She loves music and has a beautiful singing voice. She is a leader in our home and is very helpful with the younger children. Her kind helpful heart is on display daily. 

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