Friday, February 3, 2012

Time To Lead

I was reminded of something just the other morning. I was reminded of how our attitude and mood affects others. After hitting snooze several times I finally realized I had a meeting and if I didn't get moving I would be late. The previous night I had been up late for no good reason. Needless to say I was groggy and a bit grouchy. As I reached over I noticed my wife was already up for the day. When I came downstairs she had already made coffee, spent time in prayer, and was reading her Bible. She looked to be revived and ready to face the day. She was excited to see me and before I said the first word I instantly felt better. My spirit was lifted.

Reflecting on that moment made me wonder how many times after a tough day at work I probably deflated the life from my wife and kids. The times when a stressful day kept me from leading and encouraging those who need me most. I think of those times when my children are begging for a little time and all they get from me is "not now, Daddy's busy". There have been days when my body is home, but my mind is still at the office. It is very sobering to step back and think about it.

It is time that us fathers and husbands step up to the plate and focus on what is really important. We are called to lead and we need to do just that. It's time we hold ourselves accountable. We should realize our jobs are just a means to provide for our family. How great would it be if people didn't think of us first as construction workers or office managers, but thought of us as Christians and family leaders? One day we will retire and our companies will keep moving as if we were never there. Maybe we will have a shiny retirement watch. All of this is of no eternal value. I know guys who have totally sold out for their job just for career advancement and when they retire are miserable and begging to go back to work. On the other side of that coin I know strong Christian men whose children are now grown and faithfully serving the Lord. Some of these men I have no idea what their career was because they were not defined by their job. It's time we recognize our role and fulfill it.

At the end of the day we are very blessed to have all we do. We should acknowledge that of whom much is given, much is required. Let us not take lightly that which God has trusted us with. He knows all about our situations and he sets us up for success. It is our responsibility to be obedient to him.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Awesome post! The attitude portion of this also applies to us moms. How many times have you come home in a great mood only to have me deflate that with a stressed attitude. We, in general, don't realize how much our attitude affects others. Something to think about! You are so amazing!
